Lag Stuff’s Day

Owh… This three days is the lag stuff’s day. Two days ago, my brother went to Padang to buy our shop goods. But my husband said that he will bring the money tomorrow, because it’s a lot of money and my brother travel by public transport, so it will get high of risk to bring much of money. And tomorrow, my husband forgot brought the money šŸ˜† Whereas, I remembered him about the money, then he got back to the shop, but he still didn’t bring the money, because he though the money I remembered is not the money for buy goods, but the money for my brother’s friend (we bought his DVD RW) šŸ˜†

Yesterday… there’s nothing lag yesterday, but.. I didn’t planning good with my husband stuff. He was planning to sleep on our shop that night. He’ll get to work at 6.30 am. I forgot bring his undies and clothes :p

And today.., at 6.00 am, my husband come back home to pick his undies and clothes :D. At 6.54 am, he called me said that his friends belt is lag at home. So, I drove my momot fast brought the belt. Then I bought breakfast for me, my brother and my sister. My sister visit me 2 days ago. This morning I take her to the travel. She’ll come back to Padang. When we were arrived at the pol, she said that the brownies I made was lag at home.. so I come back home again. hahaha..

After that, this morning I went to Painan Foto to print my neighbour’s baby photos – she ask me to take pictures of her baby on my cell phone, and print them to give it to her sister at Jakarta. While waiting for the photos done,Ā  I went to market to buy groceries. After that I picked the photos. Then went to shop and cook there. Owh.. my cat disturb me. He smell the fish I bought šŸ˜† really annoy actually..

Hhh.. high mobility women of the day.. but, not that much šŸ˜†

  1. #1 by rialive on January 25, 2011 - 4:30 pm

    Waaaah yang bisa bawa motor..
    udah bisa ngebut pula, mantap!!

    • #2 by Me on January 27, 2011 - 2:55 pm

      tulah, Allah tu tau proporsinya ya k. dijadikanNya me bisa bawa motor supaya bisa mengantar barang-barang kalau ada yang ketinggalan.. atau karena tau me bisa bw motor mknya jadi ceroboh meninggalkan barang??? šŸ˜Æ

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